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Stan's Donuts for Black Panther

This morning my husband bribed me into going to the movies with a visit to Stan’s Donuts. As a lover of the chocolate glazed donut, I couldn’t say no. He booked our movie tickets and we were on our way. The line at Stan’s was pretty long but we only waited about 5 minutes. He ordered his usual cherry old fashioned and I ordered one pistachio lemon old fashion, my beloved chocolate glazed, and a coffee. My husband, the rule follower, was nervous about walking in the theater with our big bag of donuts and my coffee. I took one for the team and carried it all in... shamelessly... 

We walked in, Stan’s on display, and the ticket lady looks at me with a puzzled look, probably thinking; “Does this lady really think she’s gonna get in with those?” Meanwhile I was devising a plan to offer her one in exchange for  her turning a blind eye -haha! She was on my side because she scanned our tickets and told us to enjoy the show. Victory! -she was probably a donut lover, herself. 

P.S. I didn’t get past the lemon pistachio before feeling full. I’ll bring the other one home to Maddy. 

P.S.S. Black Panther was,,, meh... 2 hours and 14 minutes is a loooooong time for me to sit in a theater on a lovely Sunday morning!


  1. I can't believe you walked in with the bag out! I would never have the guts!

    1. The old me would have been afraid as well! I blame Stan’s and the movie theater for being so close together in distance causing my lapse in judgement.


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