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The dog ate your appointments

My husband does a lot of the recruiting for his office and part of this job entails him having to call back the interviewees for a second interview. Yesterday, after he was done making the calls, he stacks his pile neatly on the dining room table. At the top of the pile was his appointment sheets with the names and times for the interviews he would have on the next day (today). We left the house in a hurry because we wanted to grab a bite to eat before the dreaded luggage shopping trip (slice to follow tomorrow) not thinking twice about the stack of papers. We return home after being gone for about three hours to a mess of chewed up paper all over the dining room floor. We instantly look over at Rue, our younger more mischievous shih tzu to find a little piece of paper on the tip of her nose.... We look around to see where she got the paper from and my eyes take me to the dining room table. The APPOINTMENT SHEET, "The dog ate your appointments!", I say as I look at my husband laughing hysterically!! Rue had jumped on the table while we were gone, grabbed the very top sheet, and made a meal out of it. Our dog literally ate some of his appointments. Thank goodness he had taken a photo of the sheets to send to his assistant if not each hour of his day this morning would have included a few surprise guests.


  1. Haha! I love the image of Rue with the paper on her nose!

    1. Her nose is tiny so I don't even know how she was able to breathe. haha

  2. I love this slice - so real and authentic. This line is perfect: We instantly look over at Rue, our younger more mischievous shih tzu to find a little piece of paper on the tip of her nose.... So glad it worked out and you laughed through it!

  3. Oh my gosh. I can relate to it. When I first started teaching my cat had decided to play with a stack of math tests . . . when I got home shredded paper was all over the living room floor.

  4. It's great that you have a sense of humor about the incident. Your story reminds me of another "dog destroyed my homework" excuse. A trustworthy sixth grade boy came to me and said that he couldn't hand in his homework. "I have a puppy," he began, "and he's not trained yet, so..." and the boy showed me a yellowed, wrinkled paper that had clearly been peed on by the dog. I had to laugh at that one! I certainly would have trusted the boy; he didn't need to bring the soiled paper to school and show me, but it was funny.

  5. Rue is hilarious! I'm glad he had a picture as backup!

  6. Oh no! This is so funny. My cat once chewed up a student's essay before I could get it graded. Luckily I could just print another copy!


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