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“You don’t sound like your name is Ana.”

My husband and I have pretty tricky names. Tricky for others to pronounce and even trickier when people try to spell them. We are really spoiled with delicious takeout options  in the area where we live and will oftentimes order in on the weekends. I’m usually the one to place the orders via the phone because I have dietary restrictions (low carb diet). When placing the orders I always tell the person on the phone my name is Ana just to avoid any confusion and it works like a charm. This morning was different. I was up pretty early feeding my niece and my ever so thoughtful husband asked if I wanted some breakfast takeout. We usually never order out for breakfast but today was different. We were too tired to cook. He dials the number to our favorite breakfast spot that’s about two minutes away from home. He places our order and at the end the person on the other line asks him; “what name should I put this order under?” He replies without thinking; “Ana...” We hear a long pause until a few seconds later the woman responds with; “You don’t sound like an Ana... but ok. Be here in ten minutes.”  We both started laughing immediately after he hung up the phone and then he went on his way to pick up our food. The convo during breakfast was trying to decide what name he will start using when he places the orders so that it’s believeable. 

For those of you wondering: I had veggie omelette with Jalapeños and my husband had eggs with hash browns and a side of pancakes. -just in case :) 


  1. I love this story from your morning...and I'm so glad you shared what you got! I was wondering. :) I've never ordered out for breakfast, so you made me a little jealous, but it sounds like you deserved the treat!

  2. Love the, "...but OK" from the person on the other end of the phone.

  3. Ha I can almost hear the lady on the other end say "You don't sound like a Ana." Now I am curious to know...what will his name on the next order be?

  4. I love this! "You don't sound like an Ana". I can just picture you both cracking up! Also... why didn't you guys get the cinnamon bun?! Just wondering :)

    1. Because last time he got them and he forgot about it! lol!

  5. Super cute slice. Truly a moment in time, a silly little laugh to share with your family. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks for the smile! I bet the lady taking the order was interested to see what "Ana" looked like at pickup. And thanks for the reminder that there are little challenges in life that others navigate every day.

    1. It's the little challenges that help us be able to slice :-)

  7. Clever. I am guessing you live in a city! What fun and tricky names provide for interesting conversation! Keep slicing.

  8. "You don't sound like an Ana... but ok." Oh my goodness - that made me giggle. What a fun snippet of your life. I love that you captured this funny moment even in the midst of your fatigue. Exactly what a slice should be.

    1. Thank you! This is my second year slicing and I truly enjoy reflecting on my day and picking the one little moment that stuck out the most.

  9. I also loved that "but ok." Very funny slice, and I like the structure of giving away the punch line in the title but then making us wait for it as the story develops. The breakfast sounds delicious too!

  10. pretty perfect slice, friend. I think Ransy (sp?) should always order and place it in Ana's name :-)


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