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"She Has Dimples!!"

This morning as I was on my tippy-toes trying to flat iron my daughter's hair I was reminded about how quickly she has grown -Literally well as figuratively, she's my height and her feet are a half size bigger than mine. I always finish off her style by telling her how beautiful she is as I look at her through the mirror. She always smiles back at me shyly, just enough for her dimple to peak. Every time I see her dimple I think back to the day she was born. I had a c-section and wasn't able to see her the second she entered the world. For those that don't know, they usually have a curtain as a barrier, I never understood why tho, but it's just what they do. Being so that I couldn't see what was going on, I was relying solely on listening to everything the docs were saying during the procedure just to be sure everything was ok. I was completely numb but I swore I felt the moment they took her out. I was worried because she didn't cry, she was a very quiet baby. I just kept listening to the docs trying to get a hint that she was well.

"Take her here"
"Apgar is 9"

Her dad and I just looked at each other nervously, both of us worried and excited all at the same time. He was unable to get himself to look over the curtain out of sheer nervousness and then... all of a sudden a nurse shouts; "SHE HAS DIMPLES!" I bursted into tears immediately, I knew she would. Then a few seconds later Lady M comes circling around the curtain with ink on her feet so they can stamp them on daddy's shirt and then I got to meet my chubby cheeked, big eyed, beautiful baby with the sweetest little dimples.


  1. I just got the chills reading your post! M is beyond special and I love her :) I enjoyed having a girls day with you both and I know my mom did too!

  2. I'm amazed you remember so much from that day! You have a gorgeous little girl! Just like her mama :)


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