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I Say; "Potato".. You say; "Lose the foil!"

I recently learned that when baking potatoes it's absolutely necessary to lose the foil!!! My husband and I were in a pinch trying to decide on dinner. We were watching the Loyola game and it was too good to leave the house to grocery shop for our food! We waited until half time and ran to Mariano’s because it was the only respectable grocery store with a television that would have the game on (cue ridiculousness). I rushed through the store. I grabbed two steaks, some broccolini, a baking potato other odds and ends whilst my husband watched the game on the big screen in the store. Anyway, fast forward to the ride home. I’m frantically trying to google the fastest way to bake a potato because it was already 7 pm and dinner was looking to be ready past 8. I stumbled upon a link that said “lose the foil for faster cooking”. I thought, no way, I clicked on it and BAM! Mind blowing! The recipe said to scrub the outside of the potato very well, bathe it in olive oil and sprinkle with kosher salt. I did exactly that and OMG, it came out perfect! It was the kind of potato where even the skin was edible and I envied my husband as I watched him enjoy it! These tips are the things in life that excite me and I can’t wait to learn more! Please comment below if there are any other mind-blowing cooking tips you think I need to know to get dinner on the table faster besides ordering out and making reservations, I make a mean reservation btw. 


  1. Make salad dressing in a Mason jar so that you can shake it up. It's a quicker way to emulsify the acid and oil versus using a whisk. :)


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